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Major Gifts Made Fun, Simple, and Wildly Effective 

Whether you’re an executive director or new to major gift fundraising, Major Gift Momentum equips you with the tools and confidence to make transformational asks. Why postpone joy when you can start winning big gifts now?

Schedule a Game Plan Call

Land Meetings

Master the Ask

Elevate Your Career

If You're Tired of Struggling with Major Gifts, You're in the Right Place.

You’ve got big goals, and your mission deserves the funding to match. But without the right strategies and support, here’s what the next year will look like:

  • Your pipeline remains stagnant – You keep reaching out to the same donors, but nothing moves forward. No new prospects, no new relationships, just more stress.
  • Your asks are met with hesitation – Each solicitation feels uncertain, like you’re walking on eggshells, hoping for a yes but dreading a no.

  • Your confidence takes a hit – You second-guess your approach and wonder if you’re cut out for major gifts at all, while other fundraisers around you seem to thrive.

  • Your organization’s mission is left underfunded – The programs and services that could change lives are left waiting because you’re unable to secure the large gifts that make them happen.


Dip Your Foot In

Get Started With Some of Our Free Resources

The 7-Figure Fundraiser

Free Download

Ready to crack the code on 7-figure gifts? This download will give you the secrets of super successful major gift officers all over the US. If you’re ready to elevate your fundraising game and see what others are doing, this download is for you!


Creative Cultivation Techniques

Most Popular Podcast

Let's dive into two inspiring and creative cultivation stories -- real life examples that will inspire your creativity. Join us as we explore the lessons learned and the power of personalized connections in cultivating lasting donor relationships for maximum impact.


Join the Fundraising Collective

Free Community

You’ll get access to classes, a monthly group coaching call, and a private community of like-minded fundraisers to swap ideas and celebrate wins. It’s the perfect way to stay connected, sharpen your skills, and get real-time advice—all without breaking the bank!


Hey there! I’m Mary Petersen—Your Fundraising Bestie and Major Gift Mastermind

If you’re looking for someone who “gets it,” you’ve found your person. With over 20 years of major gift expertise (and plenty of lessons learned along the way), I’m here to help you navigate the wild world of fundraising with confidence, joy, and yes—some fun along the way.

I’ve seen it all—spectacular wins that made my socks roll up and down, and some face-plant failures that pushed me to build something better for fundraisers like you. That’s why I created Major Gift Momentum and The Fundraising Collective—because no fundraiser should be left guessing when it comes to finding the right prospects, adapting to the ever-changing philanthropic landscape, or having the tools they need to succeed.

I’m here to guide you every step of the way—actionable advice, proven strategies, and a friendly voice to cheer you on when things get tough. Let’s go make some magic happen together!

Let's Connect!

Who is Kate?

Quick introduction about you and how you and your past achievements will help the reader reach their goals. Build the bridge between the reader and your experience, so they can live the dream.

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I’ve Been in Your Shoes—and I Understand the Struggle

When most fundraisers get in touch with me, they are ready to pack their bags and leave their job. Don't let that be you!

Not so long ago, I was exactly where you are—feeling the pressure to hit ambitious fundraising goals without knowing where to start. I know what it’s like to want to secure major gifts but feel uncertain about how to make it happen.

Over the past 20 years, I’ve helped hundreds of fundraisers just like you close 5-, 6-, and 7-figure gifts. Together, we’ve transformed their approach, built deep relationships with donors, and raised millions for the causes that matter most.

Schedule a Call

You're 3 Steps Away From Major Gift Success!

It's as easy as 1, 2, 3!

1. Join the Major Gift Momentum

Jump into a proven program designed to give you everything you need to start landing those big gifts—without the guesswork or overwhelm. You’ll get instant access to resources, templates, and strategies that have helped fundraisers just like you close 5-, 6-, and 7-figure gifts with ease. Ready to stop winging it and start winning?

2. Get Tailored Support & Strategies

With personal guidance and actionable tools, you’ll have a fundraising bestie (that’s me!) cheering you on, helping you refine your approach, and showing you how to cultivate donor relationships that actually lead to big results. No more second-guessing—just clear, confidence-boosting steps that keep you moving forward.

3. Watch Your Results Skyrocket

See the impact of your work as the major gifts start rolling in. You’ll transform your confidence, your career, and your organization’s bottom line—one swoon-worthy ask at a time! Imagine the joy of seeing your fundraising goals not just met, but surpassed, all while making a massive impact for the cause you care about most.

Our proven Major Gift Momentum will help you overcome the biggest roadblocks in fundraising.

Online Learning

Access powerful, easy-to-follow online courses designed to give you the tools, strategies, and confidence to close major gifts. 

Group Coaching

Get the support you need in our weekly group coaching sessions, where you’ll receive expert guidance, feedback, and accountability.


Join fundraisers who are on the same journey as you. Our private group is a space to celebrate victories, swap stories, and get advice in real-time.


Major Gift Momentum--Transformations

"I've tripled my ask amounts and secured two of the largest gifts of my career!"

“Mary’s coaching gave me the tools and confidence to go after bigger gifts, and now I’m seeing results I never thought possible. If you’re ready to level up your fundraising, this is the program you need.”

Aisha Roberts, Major Gift Officer

"After 5 months inside Major Gift Momentum, I have close three 6-figure gifts!"

"I was scared to pick up the phone and call high net-worth individuals. Now, I'm confident and eager to close my first 7-figure gift. Mary’s guidance has completely transformed my approach to fundraising!"

Liz Rodriguez, Major Gift Officer

Download the Free Guide:

6 Keys to a Sustainable, Thriving Fundraising Program

Download your guide and get your fundraising on the right track! Discover the insider tips every successful fundraiser wishes they had when they first started—your roadmap to sustainable growth starts here!